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Record View

Basic Information

  • Re-cut of 1574 and primary fill
  • 2014


  • Context: PCO06_1572
    • Middle fill of [1574] in 545/85
  • Context: PCO06_2014
    • Re-cut of [1574] in 550/80

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • Cuts [2007] and [1538] were dug into (2015), the latest fill of [2014]. This deposit is seen as a capping layer, as if forms part of a brown layer extending across immediate area as well as filling the top of the cut, and this overlay (1571), a further upper fill of [2014], which also contained lower fill (1572). Linear cut [2014] was dug into (1578) the fill of east to west linear [1574] which was dug into (2096). This linear was a possible boundary marker, and [2014] was seen as a recut of [1574].
      • Chaz Morse
    • 20-7-2011

Dating Narrative

    • The 15 pot sherds recovered from (1572) were dated to 150-300AD.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 20-7-2011

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_160
    • Series of pit cuts