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Record View

Basic Information

  • Stone mausoleum base. No skeleton. Burial.
  • 1840 1839


  • Context: PCO06_1839
    • Stone lining of burial [1840]
  • Context: PCO06_1840
    • Grave/mausoleum cut
  • Context: PCO06_2018
    • Backfill above (1839) in [1840]

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • In the south east of Zone 3 was the remains of a funerary monument and possible mausoleum. Masonry structure {1839}, formed a stone lining for burial 1840. In the centre of {1839} lay a four tiles, dated to AD. 50 -160, although given that they were probably reused the dates should not necessarily be seen as corresponding to the burial. The dimensions of tiles were 400mm x 275mm x 35mm. Underlying the placed tiles was a gravel deposit running down the central axis, which contained a lot of burnt bone. This was 100% sampled as <218>. A few nails were recovered, which gives an indication that a wooden substructure or coffin may have once been present. The stone feature was built into cut [1840], a foundation trench that was noted to be deeper to the north than it was to the south. Foundation trench [1840] cut into (1955), the mixed dump deposit fill of [1954],
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-12-2010

Dating Narrative

    • In the centre of {1839} lay a four tiles, dated to AD. 50 -160, although given that they were probably reused the dates should not necessarily be seen as corresponding to the burial. No other datable pottery, building material, or coins was recorded with this feature.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-12-2010

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_255
    • Mausoleum base and related features