Context: PCO06_1906
- Floor slabs
Context: PCO06_1907
- Brick building (18-19th century)
Context: PCO06_1982
- Fill of pit 555/75, 550/75
Context: PCO06_1997
- Front wall of terrace building - south side of site
Context: PCO06_2010
- Cut of a modern wall (1907) (18th, 19th c.)
Context: PCO06_2169
- Construction cut for walls 1907
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying the modern overburden lay {1906} was a cellar floor built with York stone floor slabs, and associated with {1907}, part of a cluster of 19th century walls that were built of frogged and unfrogged brick, indicating the reuse of earlier building materials. Wall {1907} was stratigraphically overlying {1997}, walling that formed the foundations for the facades of housing for Prescot Street. These masonry elements were built into construction cuts [2010] and [2169].
- Chaz Morse
- 22-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- The stratigraphic position and frogged bricks used in the construction of this feature show it to be Late Post Medieval.
- Chaz Morse
- 22-7-2011