Context: PCO06_1976
- Fill of 1980
Context: PCO06_1986
- 2nd fill of pit 1980
Context: PCO06_1990
- Fill 4 of 1980
Subgroup Narrative Text
- In an area of heavy truncation, pit cut [2002] was dug into (1986), the latest fill of the pit [1980]. Fill (1986) overlay fairly barren fill (1990), which overlay (1976). These are seen as secondary fills used to level off the area of the pit. Deposit (1976) overlay (1977), seen as a slumped deposit that formed the primary fill of [1980], a gravel extraction pit that was dug into (2017), the fill of [2016].
- Chaz Morse
- 22-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- Very few finds were recovered from the later fills of this pit, but one sherd from (1976) and one sherd from (1986) were both broadly dated to 50-400AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 22-7-2011