Basic Information
- Gravel layers
Sub Groups
Group Description
- This group is composed of two distinct bedding layer deposited to function as support for a metaled surface (1513). This one of a number of metaled surfaces that survived on the site area, although heavily truncated. The presence of a metaled surface indicated a form of permanence to these ground surfaces.
- Chaz Morse
- 26-10-2011
- This group is composed of two distinct bedding layer deposited to function as support for a metaled surface (1513). This one of a number of metaled surfaces that survived on the site area, although heavily truncated. The presence of a metaled surface indicated a form of permanence to these ground surfaces.
- Chaz Morse
- 26-10-2011
- This group is composed of two distinct bedding layer deposited to function as support for a metaled surface (1513). This one of a number of metaled surfaces that survived on the site area, although heavily truncated. The presence of a metaled surface indicated a form of permanence to these ground surfaces.
- Chaz Morse
- 26-10-2011
Dating Information
- No datable finds were recovered from these layers, but given their stratigraphic position they are seen as Roman.
- Chaz Morse
- 26-10-2011