Basic Information
- Redeposited layers
Sub Groups
Group Description
- This group is composed of a series of layers made up of redeposited gravels and brick earth dumps overlying a series of pit cuts. The contexts that make up this group have occasional and moderate cultural inclusions, and are seen as having been laid down as leveling deposits.
- Chaz Morse
- 27-10-2011
- This group is composed of a series of layers made up of redeposited gravels and brick earth dumps overlying a series of pit cuts. The contexts that make up this group have occasional and moderate cultural inclusions, and are seen as having been laid down as leveling deposits.
- Chaz Morse
- 27-10-2011
Dating Information
- The datable finds within these layers have been dated to 120-160AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 27-10-2011