Basic Information
- Leveling deposit in latrine
Sub Groups
Sub Group: PCO06_536
- Backfill of 2013
Group Description
- In an area of heavy truncation refuse pit cut [2167] was dug into (2011), the latest b backfill of latrine pit [2013]. Context (2011) was a capping layer, dumped to fill in cut [2013], rather than from usage, unlike (2012), which was a cess like material, derived from a mixture of general domestic waste and cess. Cut [2013] was dug into the natural gravels of the site area and was one of the earliest features in this area of the site.
- Chaz Morse
- 27-10-2011
Dating Information
- No datable finds were recovered from this deposit, but given its stratigraphic position it is seen as Roman II.
- Chaz Morse
- 27-10-2011