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Basic Information

  • Quarry pit cut

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_563
    • Quarry pit cut

Group Description

    • Diffuse capping layer (1849) overlay (1827), the secondary fill of pit broad flat cut [1829] that also contained primary fill (1828). Both fills relatively sterile of finds. Given the size of [1829], it is seen as a gravel extraction pit, and fills (1827) and (1828) were seen as back fills deposited to reclaim the area affected by the excavation of [1829], which was cut into pit fills (1766) and (1841).
      • Chaz Morse
    • 31-10-2011

Dating Information

    • The datable finds associated with the fill of this feature has been dated to 120-160AD.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 31-10-2011