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Basic Information

  • Isolated burial

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_44
    • Burial. Cut, Skeleton, Fill. Reburied, disarticulated.

Group Description

    • Cut [2024] was cut into (2105), the fill of grave cut [2104], which was dug for burial (2106). Fill (2105) was sampled as <260>, (2106) was not fully articulated and had could have been subject to disturbance or redeposited. Could have been an improvised charnal pit rather than grave. Cut [2104] was dug into (1985), the upper fill of [2111].
      • Chaz Morse
    • 31-10-2011

Dating Information

    • No dating material was recovered from this feature, but given its relative position in the stratigraphic sequence and its function, it has been seen as Roman. Stratigraphically it is seen as Roman II.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 31-10-2011