Basic Information
- Isolated burial
Sub Groups
Sub Group: PCO06_41
- Burial. Cut, Skeleton, Fill.
Group Description
- Sealed by post Medieval soil (1289) was (1917) (sampled as <224>, <225>), the fill of grave cut [1919], which was dug for burial (1918). The burial was heavily truncated, with only the leg bones surviving. Cut [1919] was dug into (1925), a dump of redeposited brick earth. Context (1925) was the earliest deposit in this area of the site.
- Chaz Morse
- 31-10-2011
Dating Information
- No datable material was recovered from the fill of this feature, but given its stratigraphic position and function, it is seen as Roman.
- Chaz Morse
- 31-10-2011