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Basic Information

  • Backfill capping layer of horncore pit

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_540
    • Backfill of horncore pit

Group Description

    • Underlying the modern overburden lay (1586), a capping layer back fill of early 19th / late 18th c. horncore lined soakaway {1598} that was built into construction cut [1587]. The horn core pit itself contained (1664), a moist organic fill, and (1688), a loose dark brownish grey silty clay with frequent tile and brick fragments, and occasional oyster shell, chalk nodules, and frequent charcoal flecks, indicating that (1688) was a dump of building rubble and domestic waste. Construction cut [1587] was dug into (1758), the fill of linear cut [1759].
      • Chaz Morse
    • 2-11-2011

Dating Information

    • A total of 14 pot sherds were recovered from this capping layer, all of which were dated to 1700-1800AD. This gives a further indication that there was a phase of construction work on the site area in the Stuart/Georgian period, and then features were either grubbed out or backfilled in certain areas for further construction work in the Victorian period.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 2-11-2011