Basic Information
- Early Post Medieval quarrying
Sub Groups
Sub Group: PCO06_270
- Cut of large quarry pit and primary fill
Group Description
- This group is composed of a quarry pit cut, possibly a recut, and the primary fill of the pit, that resulted from slumpage. It is thought that context [1015] was a recut of [1064], a large quarry pit that was filled by a series of slumped gravel deposits that stratigraphically consisted of latest fill (1060), (1061), (1062), and primary fill (1063). These gravel fills were noted to slope down from south to north. Although this has been given a single cut number it is likely that there has been a lot of re-cutting and 'pitting' where the irregular base reflects this. [1064] was dug into the natural gravels of the site area.
- Chaz Morse
- 2-11-2011
Dating Information
- A total of five pot sherds were recovered from the primary fill of this feature, all of which were dated to 1480-1550AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 2-11-2011