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Basic Information

  • Refuse pits

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_120
    • Cut and two fills of refuse pit.
  • Sub Group: PCO06_122
    • Cut and two early fills of pit [663].

Group Description

    • Underlying secondary fills (662) was (664), was (674) and (675), gravel fills that were comparatively sterile to the overlying refuse deposits, and which formed the lowest fills of pit cut [663]. The whole pit was heavily truncated, and so its intended function is unclear, but given the sterile nature of these fills, they are seen as slumped gravel layers resulting from the pit having been left open for some time, and originally having been dug for gravel extraction. Pit cut [663] truncated burial subgroup 3. Cut [663] was also dug into (697), the secondary fill of pit cut [696], which also contained primary fill (723). This pit is again seen as a small gravel extraction pit. Pits [663] and [696] form Group 38.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 19-10-2011
    • Underlying secondary fills (662) was (664), was (674) and (675), gravel fills that were comparatively sterile to the overlying refuse deposits, and which formed the lowest fills of pit cut [663]. The whole pit was heavily truncated, and so its intended function is unclear, but given the sterile nature of these fills, they are seen as slumped gravel layers resulting from the pit having been left open for some time, and originally having been dug for gravel extraction. Pit cut [663] truncated burial 735, it was in cut [738], and was filled by deposit (739), demonstrating that the was gravel extraction in the site area subsequent to it being used as a burial ground. Cut [663] was also dug into (697), the secondary fill of pit cut [696], which also contained primary fill (723). This pit is again seen as a small gravel extraction pit. Pits [663] and [696] form Group 38.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 19-10-2011

Dating Information

    • No dating material was recovered from the sterile fills (674) and (675). However and the upper fills of this feature were dated 1480-1600. Seven pot sherds were recovered from (723), the lower fill of this pit, all of which were dated to 1480-1550. Upper fill (697) did not produce any datable material.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 19-10-2011
    • No dating material was recovered from the sterile fills (674) and (675). However and the upper fills of this feature were dated 1480-1600.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 19-10-2011