Basic Information
- Series of refuse pits
Sub Groups
Group Description
- Underlying the modern over bruden, lay fill (917), the fill of [918] a small pit containing mostly post-med finds, with primary fill (924). [918] cut into (919) the fill of shallow pit [920]. The mixed fills of this feature indicate is was a refuse pit. Shallow pit cut [920] was dug into (921), the fill of shallow pit [922]. This was a heavily truncated small pit, and its function is unknown. These pits are seen as refuse pits. Stratigraphically [922] cut into (1170).
- Chaz Morse
- 24-10-2011
Dating Information
- Three pot sherds were recovered from (920), two of which were dated to 1480-1600AD, and one was dated to 1450-1500; this latter sherd is seen as residual. No datable finds were recovered from the fills of the other pits, but given their stratigraphic position they are seen as Early Post Medieval.
- Chaz Morse
- 24-10-2011