Subgroup Narrative Text
- Context (574) was stratigraphicaly over (622), the latest in a series of capping layers and back fill deposits of large Post Medieval quarry pit [639]. This overlay (623), a dumped fill within the quarry pit, and it was probably derived from domestic, butchery, and animal carcass processing. This overlay the more barren deposit (631), which in turn overlay (643), believed to be the slumped sided of the quarry pit that had collapsed into the pit. This overlay (756), a dump of dirty gravels. This sealed (632), which was the latest back fill in sub group 137.
- Chaz Morse
- 6-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- Of the five contexts that make up this subgroup, only (622) and (623) produced datable finds. Context (622) held ten pot sherds, eight of which were dated to 1550-1600AD, and two of which were dated to 1350-1500AD. Context (623) also yielded ten pot sherds, eight of which were dated to 1480-1600AD, and two of which were dated to 1350-1500AD. The sherds dated toe 1350-1500AD are seen as residual.
- Chaz Morse
- 6-7-2011