Context: PCO06_1273
- Grave cut
Context: PCO06_1274
- Fill of grave cut 1273
Context: PCO06_1275
- Skeleton from [1273], truncated
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Post Medieval construction cut [2181] was dug into grave fill (1274), the fill of cut [1273]. Grave cut [1273] held inhumation 1275, which was supine, and slumping down to the south side. Only the upper half of the burial survived due to truncation and the acidity of the soils. Cut [1273] was dug into (1881), the fill of a Roman quarry pit.
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010
Dating Narrative
- Two pieces of pottery were recovered from this context, and both were dated to 150-400AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010