Context: PCO06_605
- Construction cut of drainage system
Context: PCO06_606
- Silt trap Sq. drain
Context: PCO06_607
- Culvert drain into horn core pit
Context: PCO06_608
- Drain into silt-trap
Context: PCO06_609
- Backfill of construction cut
Context: PCO06_610
- Fill of silt trap 606 & cut 605
Context: PCO06_618
- Lower fill of 606
Subgroup Narrative Text
- One of the latest features on site was {607}, a series of reused roof tiles used to cover drainage pipe {608}, again constructed out of reused roof tiles drained into silt trap {606}, and continued beyond this feature to drain into horn core pit {593}. The fills of the silt trap were (610) and (618). The drain and silt trap were built into construction cut [605].
- Chaz Morse
- 6-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- Pottery recovered from (609), the construction cut back fill is dated to 1550-1600AD. Pottery recovered from (610) the internal fill of silt trap {606} is dated to 1825-1840. The construction cut back fill is obviously material dug out from the immediate vicinity to consolidate the construction, so this feature is 19th century.
- Chaz Morse
- 6-7-2011