Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying the modern overburden, fills (726) and (729), waste building material formed the fills of barrow well/drain cover {727}, built of brick and rough mortar, and the body of the barrel well, {798} was composed of a heavily decomposed wood and corroded iron barrel rings. The barrel well was built into construction cut [728], that was dug into Post Medieval soil (549).
- Chaz Morse
- 8-7-2011
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- Chaz Morse
- 8-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- Two pot sherds were recovered from (726), and were dated to 1770-1840AD, and three pot sherds were recovered from (729), dated to 1770-1830AD; and so the fills of this barrel well were contemporary.
- Chaz Morse
- 8-7-2011