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Basic Information

  • Soakaway
  • 666 667 737


  • Context: PCO06_666
    • Brick lined circular pit - prob drain. Soakaway?
  • Context: PCO06_667
    • Construction cut of 666
  • Context: PCO06_671
    • Construction fill of 666 and 667
  • Context: PCO06_737
    • Base fill of brick lined pit 666

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • This soak-away was built into construction cut [667], which was dug into Post Medieval soil (549). The soakaway was subject to a number of phases of use (discussed here but also illustrated in the narrative for subgroup 188). Context (737) was the base fill of soakaway {666}, being part of the original silt deposits within 666. Context (737) was deliberately overlain by a brick stone layer {736} which was prob placed over 737 to improve the water drainage within 666 into the natural gravels & to stop silt clogging the drainage up. Notably, context (737) did not have any smell while (670) above {736} had a very putrid smell suggesting that (670) held more organic/rotten remains - possibly explaining the theory that {736} was for drainage purposes.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 8-7-2011

Dating Narrative

    • A total of six pot sherds were recovered from context (737), all of which were dated to 1740-1830AD.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 11-7-2011

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_60
    • Series of drainage features