Context: PCO06_1665
- Inhumation/Skeleton
Context: PCO06_1666
- Cut of grave - skeleton 1665
Context: PCO06_1667
- Fill of grave cut [1666]
Context: PCO06_1707
- Pot in grave fill (1667)
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Cut [1662] was dug into (1667) the fill of grave cut [1666], which held burial 1665. At the base of the grave cut lay supine skeleton 1665 and votive Roman pot 1707, a votive offering - Roman pot, placed just below feet of skeleton. This grave fill and cut is truncated at the southern end. Samples of fill taken - 156 and 153 - fragments of pot on chest may be votive. Pelvis- tops of left and right side broken and recorded just below knees. Coffin evident by Fe nails. This feature cuts fill of quarry pit [1743].
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010
Dating Narrative
- Pot (1707) was dated to 70-160AD. The pot recovered from grave fill (1667), a total of 25 sherds, was all dated to 120-160AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010