Context: PCO06_1186
- Fill of 1185
Context: PCO06_1187
- Fill of 1185
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Late Post Medieval construction cut [1139] was dug into (1187) the secondary fill of [1187], that also held primary fill (1186). Cut [1187] was dug into the natural gravels of the site area. Both fills were composed of mixed dumped deposits, with a sandy clay soil matrix and occasional small and medium fragments of pot, bone, and heavily abraded CBM. These deposits are seen as refuse deposits used to back fill a probably quarry pit.
- Chaz Morse
- 12-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- In total five pot sherds were recovered from this feature, all of which were dated to 50-160AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 12-7-2011