Context: PCO06_1098
- Horn core pit
Context: PCO06_1110
- Fill of Horn Pit (1098)
Context: PCO06_1139
- Cut of Horn pit 1098
Context: PCO06_1145
- Fill of [1098] (HCP)
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Context formed the {1098}Horncore for horncore pit, filled by (1110) and (1145), built into construction cut [1139]. The horncores were stacked in an interlockiing formation, and the fills, (1110) and (1145) were a mix of organic deposits and occasional whole oyster shell, very occasional pot, bone, CBM, metal and glass. Late post medieval construction cut [1139] was dug into (1170), the fill of pit cut [1169].
- Chaz Morse
- 12-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- A total of 16 pot sherds were recovered from (1145), the lower fill, with 15 dated to 1480-1550AD and one residual sherd dated to 1350-1500AD. The upper fill did not produce any datable finds.
- Chaz Morse
- 12-7-2011