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Record View

Basic Information

  • Masonry and associated fills
  • 1149 1147


  • Context: PCO06_1136
    • Upper fill of [1147]
  • Context: PCO06_1146
    • Backfill of (1147)
  • Context: PCO06_1147
    • Limestone late Roman drainage feature.
  • Context: PCO06_1148
    • Backfill of [1149]
  • Context: PCO06_1149
    • Construction cut for (1147)

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • Truncated by Post Medieval construction cut [1097], (1136) formed the upper fill of rounded stone masonry feature {1147}. Underlying (1136) was primary fill (1146), which in colour was mid bluish grey with frequent dark brownish red patches. It was softly compacted and composed of a clayey silt with occasional of pot, bone, CBM, angular to sub-rounded limestone pebbles and cobbles. The stone feature itself, {1147} was built from ragstone that was roughly worked and randomly coursed. It was roughly rounded in plan, but heavily truncated on eastern side by [1097]. It was bonded by a rough lime mortar and measured 2.8m (N-S) x 1.2m (E-W) x 1.2m (depth). The features was built into construction cut [1149], which was dug into (1159), the fill of Roman linear feature [1160]. The feature was probably related to water usage, as indicted by the clayey silt fill and the inclusions that were abraded.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 14-7-2011

Dating Narrative

    • Limited pot sherds were recovered from this feature, all four of which were dated to 150-400AD. This feature is seen as late Roman.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 14-7-2011

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_142
    • Limestone drainage feature