Context: PCO06_1094
- Fill of soak-away 1095
Context: PCO06_1095
- Soak-away
Context: PCO06_1096
- Construction fill of [1097]
Context: PCO06_1097
- Cut for soak-away
Context: PCO06_1121
- Middle fill of [1095]
Context: PCO06_1124
- Lower fill of [1095]
Context: PCO06_1130
- Wooden rivets on soak-away [1095]
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying the modern overburden lay (1094), a sooty fill formed the upper fill of large soak away {1095}. Underlying (1094) were earlier fills (1121), an organic fill which overlay (1124), the organic primary fill. The soakaway masonry was supported by wooden rivets (1130), and was built into construction cut [1097], which was dug into (1036), the latest fill of [1149].
- Chaz Morse
- 14-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- The stratigraphic position, form and function of this feature clearly show it to be Post Medieval.
- Chaz Morse
- 14-7-2011