Context: PCO06_1750
- Coffin staining
Context: PCO06_1751
- Skeleton
Context: PCO06_1752
- Fill of 1753
Context: PCO06_1753
- Cut for grave
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Layer (1667) overlay (1752), the fill of grave cut [1753], that contained burial (1751). The skeleton was mainly disartulated with exception of lower leg bones and feet and arms/hands. All other bones laid in approx. positions suggesting reburial, coffin stain (1750) also noted. [1753] was dug into (1744).
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010
Dating Narrative
- No dating material was recovered from this feature, but given its stratigraphic position and the nature of the feature, it is seen as Roman.
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010