Context: PCO06_999
- Fill of 1000
Context: PCO06_1000
- Post-med E-W cut
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Late Post Medieval construction cut [2182] was dug into (999), the fill of Post Medieval ditch [1000]. The purpose of the ditch was to mark a boundary rather than drain land. The top of the fill was notably full of oystershell perhaps suggesting domestic rubbish. Cut [1000] was dug into (1040), (1057), and (1072).
- Chaz Morse
- 15-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- A total of 16 pot sherds were recovered from the fill of this feature, 14 of which were dated to 1480-1550AD, one of which was dated to 1350-1500AD and one dated to 50-400AD; these latter two sherds are seen as residual.
- Chaz Morse
- 15-7-2011