Context: PCO06_1890
- Skeleton by 580/95
Context: PCO06_1891
- Coffin stain ass. with 1890
Context: PCO06_1910
- Cut of grave in 580/95
Context: PCO06_1911
- Fill of grave 1910
Subgroup Narrative Text
- In an area of heavy truncation, post Medieval cut [1846] was dug into (1911), the fill of grave cut [1910], dug for burial (1890), a supine inhumation that had been subject to post depositional disturbance, and the central part of the inhumation had noticeably slumped. The burial was noted to lie within coffin stain (1891), the body of the coffin had eroded away. Grave cut [1910] was dug into (1923) the fill of small pit cut [1924].
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010
Dating Narrative
- One pot sherd was recoverd from this feature, which was dated to 120-300AD. No other dating material was recovered from this feature.
- Chaz Morse
- 7-12-2010