Context: PCO06_1352
- Gravel fill in [1353]
Context: PCO06_1353
- Cut of pit in Nortehrn part of 550/100
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Stratigraphically under Post Medieval construction cut [2172] was (1351), the upper fill of pit [1353]. This later fill produced Roman pottery, a lot of oyster shells and charcoal flecks, indicating that this was a refuse pit. It is very similar to lower fill (1358), but was noted to contrast with primary fill (1352), that was comparatively sterile. This lower fill in [1353] was seen as edge collapse, indicating that the pit had been open for sometime before being back filled by the later refuse deposits. Cut [1353] was cut into layer (1403).
- Chaz Morse
- 20-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- No datable material was recovered from the lower fill of this feature, but the later fills were dated to 120-160AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 20-7-2011