Context: PCO06_1564
- Fill of [1565]
Context: PCO06_1565
- Roman pit cut by (1410)
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Cut [1446] was dug into (1564), a trampled layer that formed the backfill of Roman shallow cut feature [1565], which was cut into (1580), a deposit, probably a layer rather than a fill of a large feature of Roman date. The lower 50mm of context (1564) comprised disturbed sandy gravel with frequent silty sand patches and charcoal inclusions suggesting that the base had been subjected to a lot of trampling.
- Chaz Morse
- 21-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- A total of 22 pot sherds were recovered from the fill of this feature, all of which were dated to 120-160AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 21-7-2011