Context: PCO06_1506
- Late Post Med drain cutting soakaway in 550/85
Context: PCO06_1556
- Latest fill of 1952
Context: PCO06_1560
- Secondary fill of [1952]
Context: PCO06_1952
- Masonry of inflow for large soakaway/manhole
Context: PCO06_1972
- Cut for 1952
Context: PCO06_1992
- Construction fill of [1972]
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying the modern overburden lay {1506}, a N-S modern drain which cutting man hole {1952} and overlying fills (1556) and (1560). Manhole {1952} was built into construction cut [1972], which was dug into the Post Medieval agricultural soils.
- Chaz Morse
- 22-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- The stratigraphic position and frogged bricks used in the construction of this feature show it to be Late Post Medieval.
- Chaz Morse
- 22-7-2011