Context: PCO06_1705
- Fill of disturbed burial 1706
Context: PCO06_1706
- charnal deposit in 560/90
Context: PCO06_1721
- Cut containing (1705) and (1706)
Context: PCO06_1726
- Fill at base of cut [1721]
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying the Post Medieval agricultural soils was (1705), a deposit containing disarticulated human remains from multiple individuals (the pit fills included four cranial fragments), which overlay (1706) which also held disarticulated bone. Both (1705) and (1706) were fills within pit [1721], and underlying (1706) was (1726), the primary fill of the charnal pit. Cut [1721] was dug into (1749), the back fill of pit cut [1732].
- Chaz Morse
- 26-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- The nine pot sherds were recovered from (1705), all of which were dated to 50-120AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 26-7-2011