Context: PCO06_1730
- Fill of pit in 560/90
Context: PCO06_1749
- Gravel fill in North end of [1732]
Subgroup Narrative Text
- Cut [1721] was dug into (1749), the latest back fill of pit cut [1732]. Fill (1749) overlay (1730), a further secondary back fill, that was a refuse deposit containing charcoal flecks, pot, and CBM. Context (1730) overlay (1731), a gravel back fill overlying redeposited cremation (1737), sampled as <163>. Kidney shaped pit cut [1732], a kidney shaped pit cutting into (1781), the latest fill of [1783].
- Chaz Morse
- 26-7-2011
Dating Narrative
- One pot sherd was recovered from (1731), which was broadly dated to 50-400AD, and four sherds were recovered from (1737), all dated to 70-160AD.
- Chaz Morse
- 26-7-2011