Context: PCO06_1842
- Fill of posthole (late med/postmed?)
Context: PCO06_1843
- cut of posthole in 585/95
Subgroup Narrative Text
- In an area of heavy truncation, underlying the modern overburden lay (1842) the fill of post-hole cut [1843]. The fill was noted by the excavator to bear a resemblance to other fills of Post Medieval date found in other features on site. Cut [1843] was dug into (1811) the fill of grave cut [1813], that was dug for burial 1812, a burial that was in fairly good condition.
- Chaz Morse
- 1-8-2011
Dating Narrative
- No datable finds were recovered from the fill of this feature. It was also in an area of heavy truncation, where it was dug into a Roman grave, but was one of the latest features in this area of the site. The material was noted by the excavator to resemble other Post Medieval fills on the site area. Therefore, although not certain, this feature is seen as Post Medieval.
- Chaz Morse
- 1-8-2011