Context: PCO06_1950
- Cut of pit
Context: PCO06_1951
- Fill of 1950
Subgroup Narrative Text
- In an area of heavy truncation, underlying the modern overburden lay (1951) the fill of pit cut [1950]. Deposit (1951) was a mixed fill with shell, bone, and fragmented CBM, a typically mixed fill of a refuse deposit, and in the context of the site, possibly Roman. Due to the heavy truncation on the site area, this pit was the only feature in this area of the site and was cut into the natural gravels.
- Chaz Morse
- 1-8-2011
Dating Narrative
- No datable finds were recovered from the fill of this feature, but given its stratigraphic position and the context of the site, it is seen as Roman.
- Chaz Morse
- 1-8-2011