Context: PCO06_1944
- Fill of [1945]
Context: PCO06_1945
- 16/17th cen. latrine pit (?)
Subgroup Narrative Text
- In an area of heavy truncation, and underlying the modern overburden was deposit (1944), which formed the fill of 16th 17th c. pit [1945]. This fill might have been that of a latrine pit. The shape of pit cut [1945] also suggests this function. Cut [1945] was dug into Roman deposits (2133) and (2138).
- Chaz Morse
- 2-8-2011
Dating Narrative
- No datable finds were recovered from this fill of this feature, but given its stratigraphic position, form and function, being typical of the mid-late Post Medieval, it is seen to be of this date.
- Chaz Morse
- 2-8-2011