Subgroup Narrative Text
- Underlying deposit (878) was (876) the final silting up deposit of palaeochannel [873]. Under (876) was fill (875), and primary erosional deposit (874). The channel [873] had degraded edges. This large, possibly peri-glacial, palaeochannel drained to the west extending beyond the L.O.E to the West and East. Peri-glacial nature suspected due to grey/green mottling of central fill 875 - sample # 9. Truncated by gravel quarries so total depth unknown.
- Chaz Morse
- 30-11-2010
Dating Narrative
- No dating material was recovered from this feature, but given its relative strategraphic position and its function it is seen as pre-Roman, and is the only pre-Roman feature on the site area.
- Chaz Morse
- 21-12-2010