work, 25 Photos

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Burial (2120) Context (2104) Context (2034) Burial (2106) Ruth & Will sampling deposit (2137) Tomas & Anies at work on their chalk-lined burial The Prescot Street site looking East East end of Zone 4 East along Prescot Street towards the BT Radianz building The construction is well under way in what was our Zone 1 Tiny machines and giant props The North West corner of the old Zone 1 - it's VERY deep! Across Zone 4 facing West Zone 4, looking South West Looking directly West across site Planning Zone 4 Across Zone 4 looking North East Context (2044) Taking samples Gary and Fergal at work Georgian brick vaulted cellars Foundations of Victorian Building Foundations of Victorian terrace house Georgian Cellar

The work begins on what was 6 South Tenter Street. Photo diary entry for 21st March 2008.