A gallery of all the burials we have found so far on site that have photos – I will keep this gallery updated if/when we find more.

staff, 56 Photos

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Context (2034) Ruth & Will sampling deposit (2137) Tomas & Anies at work on their chalk-lined burial The Prescot Street site looking East East end of Zone 4 East along Prescot Street towards the BT Radianz building The construction is well under way in what was our Zone 1 Tiny machines and giant props The North West corner of the old Zone 1 - it's VERY deep! Across Zone 4 facing West Zone 4, looking South West Looking directly West across site Planning Zone 4 Across Zone 4 looking North East Context (2044) Taking samples I had just told Gary that Chaz wanted him to dig another soak-away... Site looking east Working shot looking east, with much machine watching The samples, ready for Campion in Cambridge. Guy, Site Director and Head of Ops David undertaking GIS business I'm checking on Gary's findsmanship. Being the findsman is serious business Putting the finishing touches to the small finds register PSHQ The last area of Zone 2 looking east Foundations of one of the houses that stood at South Tenter Street Anies under the bluest of skies [1268] a bit of wall Liz Liz excavating a cremation burial Lukasz planning Eurovision dance routine in practise Working shot of Zone 2 and Andy looking pensive Gary and Liz share an interesting conversation about Post Medieval finds Liz in a small pit Greg finding an exciting 3rd century coin Chaz goes down into Zone 2 Gary taking a short break after a spot of heavy shovel action Lucasz cleaning the basement wall in Zone 2 Andy and Fergal discuss big surveying fun Jon cleaning a wall in Zone 2 Gary explains the correct method of mattocking Lukasz digging Post-Medieval basement wall Working shot of Zone 2 looking south west Basement walls of street front on Prescot Street - south of Zone 2 The team What a lovely team we have Look at Lucasz isn't he small?


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