inhumation, 29 Photos

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Skeleton (1723) Skull of (1723) Skull & vertebrae of (1723) Skeleton (1723) Skeleton (1723) Skeleton (1723) excavated by Ruth Flexed prone skeleton (1723) Skeleton (1733), excavated by Will & Tomasz Skeleton (1733) with votive Samian vase (1736) at feet Grave cut [1711] of Ruth's skeleton (1723) Disarticulated skeleton (1728), excavated by Adrian Skeleton (1728) (1719) geophoto Skeleton (1719) Adrian's grave cut (1727) Will & Tomasz excavating (1733) Adrian excavating skeleton (1728) Liz recording grave cut (1720) Ruth, Tomasz and Will recording Context (1720) [1271] being geophotographed [1271] a large pit with three skulls at the west end [1275] ready to be geophotographed Context [1275] a heavily truncated but well preserved inhumation Adrian working on [1275] Will Clarke, our newest member of staff Adrian working on [1275] Adrian working on [1275] Liz excavating skeleton (1006)

Roman finds

3 disc-mouthed flagons were recovered from a ditch, identified as products of the Roman Little and Much Hadham kilns of north-east Hertfordshire and dated to the 3rd and 4th century. These were almost definitely deposited ritually, although no grave was located nearby and are unique within the finds known from within the area of the East London Cemetery.

Medieval finds

A Late Medieval vamp and one-piece sole from an adult-sized shoe was recovered from context [104], the primary fill of a large medieval/post medieval pit.