A collection of shots taken over 2 days. Lots of Roman pits, for all you quarry fans, and a few burials.

medieval, 20 Photos

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A sample of the leather from the organic fill Some of the leather, with lots of soles and vamps A Poulaine Shoe Leather offcuts Shoe sole and vamp Shoe sole and vamp Trench 3 Shoe and Trowel Shoe and Trowel Shoe and Trowel Trench 2 facing south east Trench 1 Roman burials from 2006 evaluation Last remaining building on site - now demolished Last building Prescot Street Site Hut Medieval leather shoe sole and vamp Leather shoe Diggers at work CIMG0425.JPG

Context: 1859 Roman grave

Context: 1863 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1887 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1873 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1894 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1890 Roman burial

Context: 1891 Roman coffin stain belonging to burial (1890)

Context: 1898 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1901 Grave cut

Context: 1907 Gerogian basement and drainage features on Prescot Street

Context: 1909 Oval-shaped Roman quarrying pit

Context: 1910 Grave cut