A collection of shots taken over 2 days. Lots of Roman pits, for all you quarry fans, and a few burials.

tenterstreet, 15 Photos

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Aerial View Three Eras Horn Cores Horn Cores Horn Core Three Features Horn Core Pit Well and Drain Machine Work Horn Core Pit The Diggers Still Life with Shovels Foundations of Victorian Building Foundations of Victorian terrace house Georgian Cellar

Context: 1859 Roman grave

Context: 1863 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1887 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1873 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1894 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1890 Roman burial

Context: 1891 Roman coffin stain belonging to burial (1890)

Context: 1898 Roman quarry pit

Context: 1901 Grave cut

Context: 1907 Gerogian basement and drainage features on Prescot Street

Context: 1909 Oval-shaped Roman quarrying pit

Context: 1910 Grave cut