excavationprescotstreet, 28 Photos

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Burial (2120) Context (2104) Context (2034) Burial (2106) Ruth & Will sampling deposit (2137) Tomas & Anies at work on their chalk-lined burial The Prescot Street site looking East East end of Zone 4 East along Prescot Street towards the BT Radianz building The construction is well under way in what was our Zone 1 Tiny machines and giant props The North West corner of the old Zone 1 - it's VERY deep! Across Zone 4 facing West Zone 4, looking South West Looking directly West across site Planning Zone 4 Across Zone 4 looking North East Context (2044) Detail of [1952] a mysterious brick-lined feature Context (1308) Taking samples Context (2000) Context [1444] Context [2008] possibly a ditch with an urn Context (2029) - a truncated inhumation Context [2008] [1910] Grave cut

Photos of contexts:

Context: 958 Deposit

Context: 1138 Burnt soil deposit

Context: 1139 Construction cut

Context: 1142 Deposit

and various images of work in progress.