burials, 61 Photos

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Far East end of site Context (1930) Cist Cremation (1805) Double Cremation Opposite view of Double Cremation (1812) GeoPhoto Burial (1812) Rich Cremation (1801) Detail of Cremation (1801) Detail of Cremation 1801 Detail of offerings associated with 1801 Three flagons laid outide wooden container (1801) GeoPhoto Burial 1810 (legs only) Burial (1810) Early stages of (1801) Pit [1873] Cremations 1805 and 1820 with lids on Will and Jon tackle a double cremation Double Cremation Aerial View Aerial View of Zone 3 eastern end East End of the Site The Whole Site Zone 3 Working Shot Zone 3 Working Shot Chalk Burial 1834 GeoPhoto Stone Lined Tomb 1839 Stone Lined Tomb (1839) Digger Bliss (1801) after partial lifting of the grave goods (1801) after partial lifting of the grave goods Looking back over zone 2 Western end of Zone 3 looking north Remnants of the Ring Ditch [1770] Zone 3 border with Zone 4 Fergal and Ruth Double Cremation 1805/1820 looking south (1831) after excavation (1831) GeoPhoto (1831) GeoPhoto (1831) Upturned skull Burial (1831) Wide shallow pit [1829] (1824) GeoPhoto Burial (1824) Liz looking so happy to be lifting the feet of (1812) Detail of Burial (1812) Greg excavating burial 1812 Ruth lifting cremation (1801) Clearing a large pit Cut of Cremation Burial [1856] Cremation 1851 Grave Cut [1835] Cut [1801] of Cremation Burial Tile Cist 1805 After Opening (GeoPhoto) Grave Cut [1832] Shallow Pit [1844] Burial 1813 - Grave Cut Roman burials from 2006 evaluation

Images from the last day in Zone 1