A selection of the best finds from the Prescot Street site

Some of the Best Stuff, 69 Photos

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Gary's lead goat Double Cremation Opposite view of Double Cremation Burial (1812) Rich Cremation (1801) Detail of Cremation (1801) Detail of Cremation 1801 Detail of offerings associated with 1801 Three flagons laid outide wooden container Stone Lined Tomb (1839) Skeleton (1723) Skull of (1723) Skull & vertebrae of (1723) Skeleton (1723) excavated by Ruth Skull of (1698) Skeleton (1665) from above Burial (1436) Detail of horn-core pit Detail of horn core pit Horn-core pit (1578) from above Horn core pit (1578) This is where we keep Liz at night Lorna, practically public archaeology in action Skeleton (1617) A Roman Oil Lamp textile from sample11 the bags of leather offcuts from sample 11 close up of leather offcuts from sample 11 leather shoe from sample 11 three wooden pegs from sample 11 nice wooden peg from sample 11 1458 (1436) ready for the geophoto Close up of David's cremation urn [1298] and skull [1299] DSC00711.JPG Adrian working on [1275] Greg doesn't look too pleased about his amphora Blue Glass Game Counter Ruth working on her horncore-lined soakaway (1098) The latest horn core pit Bottom of a well Liz excavating a cremation burial Close up of Paula's cremation (1051) Ancillary vessel within cremation burial, probably an offering of some kind Cremation urn (961) being excavated expertly by the Cheese Sole and part of the vamp Very pointy sole Some of the leather, with lots of soles and vamps A sample of the leather from the organic fill Fergal's rusty ring Horn Core Pit Lorna holding a cremation urn Silt trap? Exotic Import? Face Horn Core Pit Clancy's Pit Horn Cores Horn Cores Horn Core Horn Core Pit Horn Core Pit Pits Personal Effects CIMG0587 Cremation urn (1745) Remains of heavily truncated skeleton (1918) Skeleton (1733) with votive Samian vase (1736) at feet Skeleton (1733), excavated by Will & Tomasz