These are a few images of the site as it stands today – We’ve excavated a huge area when you look back at what it was like in March..

site, 202 Photos

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Burial (2120) Context (2104) Context (2034) Burial (2106) Ruth & Will sampling deposit (2137) Tomas & Anies at work on their chalk-lined burial The Prescot Street site looking East East end of Zone 4 East along Prescot Street towards the BT Radianz building The construction is well under way in what was our Zone 1 Tiny machines and giant props The North West corner of the old Zone 1 - it's VERY deep! Across Zone 4 facing West Zone 4, looking South West Looking directly West across site Planning Zone 4 Across Zone 4 looking North East Context (2044) Context (1930) Context [1953] Context [1555] - a mysterious brick-lined feature Context (1308) Context [1973] Taking samples Context (2000) Context [1444] Urn in [2008] Context [2013] - a pit Zone 4 facing North Context (2000) another mysterious feature Context (2029) - a truncated inhumation Context [2008] Across the construction site looking North West View across site looking North West Gherkin, piling rig and archaeologist. The far North East end of site Zone 4, facing Prescot Street Zone 4 Far East end of site Far East end of site in Zone 4 of the excavation Gary's goat Context (1930) A Georgian wishing well (1920) Post-medieval drainage feature in Zone 4 Across site looking north west North East corner of Zone 4 South east end of site in Zone 4 Working shot looking east across Zone 3 Adrian and context [1275] Anies digs, whilst Gary and Ashley supervise Will & Ruth Site shot facing south east Liz, Ruth and Will Gary & Anies are enjoying excavating their soak-away Adrian working on [1275] Adrian working on [1275] Adrian working on [1275] Horn-core ready for delivery to the Museum of London for analysis Even more horn-cores. I had just told Gary that Chaz wanted him to dig another soak-away... Site looking east Working shot looking east, with much machine watching The samples, ready for Campion in Cambridge. Guy, Site Director and Head of Ops David undertaking GIS business I'm checking on Gary's findsmanship. Being the findsman is serious business Putting the finishing touches to the small finds register PSHQ The last area of Zone 2 looking east Foundations of one of the houses that stood at South Tenter Street Anies under the bluest of skies [1268] a bit of wall Looking south across Zone 2 [1250] base of a soak-away [1265] Roman pit [1258] Domed brick lined soak-away Working shot looking south east across site Site looking east along southern limit of excavation [1252] Yet another soak-away Across Zone 2 looking south Adrian Fergal and Liz working on a soak-away Ruth working on her horncore-lined soakaway (1098) 18th century horncore-lined soakaway (1098) 18th century horncore-lined soakaway (1098) looking west Liz and site facing west across what was Zone 1 The latest horn core pit Ruth recording the latest horn core pit Ashley Working shot Liz Liz excavating a cremation burial Site looking north north east Gary trying to catch up on his paperwork...about time too Anies trying to work out an edge David pauses..reflects. Liz sampling an unurned cremation Greg taking a 1 metre box sample through cultivation soil Ruth working on another horn core pit Site shot looking east across Zone 2 Soak-away face Fergal's soakaway (1095) Ruth recording a scatter of cremated bone Fergal & Iancu pausing to ponder the meaning of it all... A sample bucket full of sampled goodness Sample 36 ready for delivery to L - P : Environmental A sample bucket (1032) Ɓukasz's current project Gary excavating another skeleton (1039) Cremation? Skeleton (1032) Ancillary vessel within cremation burial, probably an offering of some kind Ancillary vessel within cremation burial, probably an offering of some kind Site shot looking south west Lukasz planning Reducing the ground level in Zone 2, looking west Looking north across Zone 2; Tom in a soak-away, Lukasz clearing modern drains View north; David digging a Roman linear feature Anies carefully supervising Fergal's shovelling techniques Paula digging a post-medieval brick-lined pit Evaluation trench 2 from 2006 - view north View north - post holes - possible Roman graves and evaluation trench View west - see the lovely site hut... Working shot across site Ashley removing backfill from 2006 evaluation trench 2 Zone 2 looking North West Zone 2 looking North Zone 2 looking North East Zone 2 North Zone 2 South Zone 2 looking East Zone 1 being backfilled Zone 2 looking North IMG_3578.JPG IMG_3578.JPG Eurovision dance routine in practise Working shot of Zone 2 and Andy looking pensive Gary and Liz share an interesting conversation about Post Medieval finds Liz in a small pit Greg finding an exciting 3rd century coin Chaz goes down into Zone 2 A big shiny digger Gary taking a short break after a spot of heavy shovel action Lucasz cleaning the basement wall in Zone 2 Andy and Fergal discuss big surveying fun Jon cleaning a wall in Zone 2 Gary explains the correct method of mattocking Lukasz digging Post-Medieval basement wall Working shot of Zone 2 looking south west Basement walls of street front on Prescot Street - south of Zone 2 Work starting in Zone 2 Lucasz cleaning up Site looking east Zone 1 completed South end of site CIMG2913.JPG Some analyse finds from excavations Some work for the police or army as forensic archaeologists Some work in education and outreach Some archaeologists work in museums Some manage archaeological sites Some work as researchers and lecturers Some work for the local council or national agencies such as English Heritage Some specialise in underwater archaeology Some are field archaeologists like Greg. Brick Lined Soakaway 08042008683 Half Moon Passage / Alie Street Half Moon Passage / Alie Street Rear of Half Moon Passage Aerial View Three Eras Horn Cores Horn Cores Horn Core Three Features Horn Core Pit Well and Drain Machine Work Horn Core Pit The Diggers Still Life with Shovels Trench 3 Trench 3 Trench 2 Basement Trench 1 Roman burials from 2006 evaluation Last remaining building on site - now demolished Last building Prescot Street Site Hut Medieval leather shoe sole and vamp Leather shoe Diggers at work CIMG0425.JPG