These are a few images of the site as it stands today – We’ve excavated a huge area when you look back at what it was like in March..

skeleton, 57 Photos

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Context (1930) Remains of heavily truncated skeleton (1918) Skeleton (1723) Skull of (1723) Skull & vertebrae of (1723) Skeleton (1723) Skeleton (1723) Skeleton (1723) excavated by Ruth Flexed prone skeleton (1723) Skeleton (1733), excavated by Will & Tomasz Skeleton (1733) with votive Samian vase (1736) at feet Grave cut [1711] of Ruth's skeleton (1723) Disarticulated skeleton (1728), excavated by Adrian Skeleton (1728) Skeleton (1719) Will & Tomasz excavating (1733) Ruth, Tomasz and Will recording Fergal and (1698) Fergal doesn't want to leave Ruth's skeleton Across site looking North East Working shot looking North Ruth, Will and Fergal at work A somewhat busy corner of site Ruth, Will and Fergal Ruth working on the ribs Ruth excavating skeleton Votive (?) vessel (1707) (1666) Skeleton (1708) Skeleton (1708) Ruth and skeleton Dave and skeleton (1708) Liz and skeleton Ceri and skeleton (L - R) David, Skeleton (1698) Fergal and Anies Fergal's skeleton (1698) (1698) geophoto Skull of (1698) Skeleton (1698) Fergal excavating the pelvic area of (1698) Close up of (1698) Ruth & Will packing up skeleton (1665) Skeleton (1698) Fergal excavating skeleton (1698) (1665) geophoto Skeleton (1665) Skeleton (1665) from above [1271] being geophotographed [1271] a large pit with three skulls at the west end [1275] ready to be geophotographed Context [1275] a heavily truncated but well preserved inhumation Adrian working on [1275] Will Clarke, our newest member of staff Adrian working on [1275] Adrian working on [1275] Liz excavating skeleton (1006)