Guy usually takes all the site photos, as he is a keen photographer, and he always carts round an ancient Pentax, taking shots for his own purposes.. So here are a series of images he has taken in black and white…

microphen, 44 Photos

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2 Lines The Obra Still Life with Fruit Dish and Mandolin Broken Postcard from Gonçalves A goal Altar Rails St Jude The face of an Orixá Iansã In the presence of Ogum Useless Landscapes Casa Juranda Legs | Pernas III Pernas | Legs II Pernas | Legs Cavaquinho Me deixa morar nesse azul Pablo this pearl is thine wherefore I know not Gratuitous II Gratuitous Lantern Illumination Tropicália III Tropicália II Tropicália I Greet the New Year Lantern I Lantern II Lantern III Lantern IV