Having been in the classroom for the last 6 months it was quite tough getting back into the physicality of fieldwork once again, but once the blisters have healed and the muscles have warmed up it all feels good again. It rained heavily for periods during last week which made the archaeology hard to distinguish but once you do a bit of cleaning back it becomes a bit clearer and the features can be excavated in sequence. So far I have been excavating a series of Medieval and Roman pits around about the large gravel quarry pit in the centre of the open area. A few beers after work on Friday was a good chance to get to know a few of the people I hadn’t worked with before and unwind a bit; the sunshine this week has made it all the better.

medieval, 20 Photos

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A sample of the leather from the organic fill Some of the leather, with lots of soles and vamps A Poulaine Shoe Leather offcuts Shoe sole and vamp Shoe sole and vamp Trench 3 Shoe and Trowel Shoe and Trowel Shoe and Trowel Trench 2 facing south east Trench 1 Roman burials from 2006 evaluation Last remaining building on site - now demolished Last building Prescot Street Site Hut Medieval leather shoe sole and vamp Leather shoe Diggers at work CIMG0425.JPG